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Jasmine von Jungfrau

Jasmine von Jungfrau face

Jasmine von Jungfrau is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd puppy. She has a gentle temperament and wants to gaze into your eyes and give you lots of kisses. Jasmine was walked in an area with kids going by on bicycles and skateboards and she seemed amused by it all. She passed the postman and didn’t know she was supposed to bark. Jasmine is a really good girl and would make a great family dog.

Jasmine von Jungfrau sitting

Jasmine von Jungfrau face 2

Jasmine von Jungfrau resting 2

Jasmine von Jungfrau sitting 2





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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 08/24/2007.